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SEO/SEM Services  
Try to Choose Best Certified "Digital Marketing Expert" in Delhi, India

SEO is an acronym for "search engine optimization" or "search engine optimizer."
Deciding to hire an SEO is a big decision that can potentially improve your site and save time, but you can also risk damage to your site and reputation. Make sure to research the potential advantages as well as the damage that an irresponsible SEO can do to your site. Many SEOs and other agencies and consultants provide useful services for website owners, including:

* Review of your site content or structure
* Technical advice on website development: for example, hosting, redirects, error pages, use of JavaScript
* Content development
* Management of online business development campaigns
* Keyword research
* SEO training
* Expertise in specific markets and geographies.

Keep in mind that the Google search results page includes organic search results and often paid advertisement (denoted by the heading "Sponsored Links") as well. Advertising with Google won't have any effect on your site's presence in our search results. Google never accepts money to include or rank sites in our search results, and it costs nothing to appear in our organic search results. Free resources such as Webmaster Tools, the official Webmaster Central blog, and our discussion forum can provide you with a great deal of information about how to optimize your site for organic search. Many of these free sources, as well as information on paid search, can be found on Google Webmaster Central.

The SEO services can be broadly classified into two categories:
On-Page Optimization &
Off-Page Optimization.

There are two major types of SEO in the web world :

* White Hat SEO
White hat SEO refers to those practices generally regarded as ethical. White hat SEO can also refer to a consultant or specialist who uses ethical practices to aid Web site owners in the design and maintenance of their Web pages.
* Black Hat SEO
Black hat search engine optimization (SEO) is a technique used to increase your search engine rankings in an unethical way. Some black hat methods include keyword stuffing your website, using invisible text and creating doorway pages only search engine spiders will see. Black hat SEO may get you a temporary boost in search engine ranks but it's usually discovered quickly and your site will be penalized by search engines.
* Keyword Stuffing
* Invisible Text
* Cloaking
* Doorway Pages
* Selling Page Rank
* Buying Expired Domains
* Link Spamming
* Link Farming
* Spam Blogs
* Page Hijacking
* Mirror Websites
* URL Redirection etc.

Our Services
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